The station is also a voice for the land reform struggles led by the CNTC. In 2009, a coup d’état led to the ousting of President Zelaya and launched a nation-wide resistance movement. Political violence directed at members of the Resistance has been rampant and journalists are among those specifically targeted. Community radio stations, already a presence in Honduras, have grown in number and strength since the coup and in direct response to the repression.
Despite the ongoing threats in Honduras to journalists, radio stations and those who speak out, the station has been on the air since 2005. The station operates on a shoestring budget and with the volunteer effort of local residents. The station dreams of boosting their signal to reach the nearby communities actively involved in land struggles.
Radios Populares (RaPo) helped to fundraise during 2015 for a new transmitter and other needs for the station. The station received support from a Honduran national community radio network, and now have a new tower. Through this, they are able to reach more campesino communities that are part of their base. The video below explains more about the station and their needs in 2016. Members of RaPo provided 5 full days of training to 24 new and experienced members of the station. Participants practiced using the mixer, conducting interviews, field recording, audio editing, radio program planning and creating station promos.We brought and installed a 150 watt transmitter as well as worked on trouble-shooting equipment audio problems, grounding the transmitter and installing lightening protection.